Saturday, 26 December 2009

The Amazingly-Brilliant-Mesmer-O'Brilley

So, I've been messing around with some ideas and wanted to do something like this for a while. So I have a new Character design, for 'The Amazingly-Brilliant-Mesmer-O'Brilley". He's a bit of a dark one, and I wanted to take the Undead look of the 'Corpse Bride' and place it upon my own character design. I didn't want to give him a pupil to the eye due to this making him closer to human. I'd like to make this either into a maquette or a 3D model when I return to Falmouth. Here are some Images of his design.
So please meet a Mesmer.... I'll hopefully make some turn around's and character sheets when I can. 

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Final Projects. 2009.

Well, first and foremost, sorry for not posting a blog earlier, what with my traveling home and other miss-haps whilst being here, I've barely found time to myself to blog. So here it is, my final blog of 2009.
First and foremost, Here for your entertainment, Mine and Jakes experimental animation. I think for the amount of time spent on this peice., and the lack of ideas, post realizing that our initial idea was far too ambitious for the time we had left. We made a good piece that represented the piece of music given to us perfectly. It mattered not about what mark I got for this to be honest, due to it being a big learning curve for me. As have been a lot of the projects from the first term of university. I really enjoy watching this piece just because of the fun we had making it really.

With Cathy's projects, I really believe my Drawing has developed masses. Admittedly I don't think I'm quiet that happy about putting pencil to paper yet, where my mistakes are evident. I believe art and drawing is a lot about perception, and I think the people I admire artistically are quiet good at giving more surreal things life. I mean Tim Burton for instance, who's art book I would very much like to attain. (Hint Hint!) The Limbs and anatomy he gives to his characters are far from realistic, but they work. I'm thinking about taking a brand new approach to life drawing and most artistic endeavors, but there are things I wish to research and try myself before I do. I have to learn to not rely on building up layers to create my art. 
I've been doing bits and pieces throughout the holiday also to keep my hand in and I aim to do more bits as the holiday progresses. These two pieces above are ones that I have been most proud of. I believe my knowledge of the upper body and face to be a lot more practiced than the lower body and I'm a lot more confident in these parts. I start out with a pencil sketch, then paint over the lines a darker edge, and then fill with block colours and highlights. It's proving to help me out a lot.

The 11 second club project I felt went well, Unfortunately I don't have it on my Macintosh to post up here for you, but I thought it went well and helped me to understand where I was going with my styles and designs. Especially my puppet/mannequin style animation. Working as I go along seems to produce this effect and I really liked it.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Tell me I'm not getting better at this...

Ok, So Here are some of the bits and pieces I've been doing for Cathy's sketch book, very rough stuff. But I like it. Check it!

Basic Lip Movement.

This is my work for today along with a few drawings I'm yet to upload. Just the basic mouth movements for my Lip sync, more work to be done on the last few shots.

Monday, 23 November 2009

11 Second Club _ November Update

Here's a quickie with a bit of lighting and eye action. More to come!

I took a lot of animation that was over used from my first attempt. Added the eye blinks today, and unseen, gave a quick start to the Lip Sync. Which is proving a slight annoyance. I think it looks ok right here. I'm pretty happy, although it does have a kind of stop motion esque feel to it. Which to be honest,... I'm getting used too.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

A New Start.

So I start again, this is a new, more organized blog that I promise to keep updated. 

Ok So..... where to start. Big turning point happened recently for me, and I finally figured where I fit in. I have a lot of work to do and to catch myself up on. But my personal life is now sorted. So now down to the important stuff. What have I been doing?

Motion Studies:- Conversations.

Ok So I'm not great with my drawing aspects. But I recently got my hands on a nifty little Wacom Tablet as an early christmas present from my parents. To say the least, It has helped a lot. Cathy's project is due in on Friday of this coming week. And for once I may have some things I'm proud to hand in. Here are a few of my Drawings/Sketches for all to gaze upon and admire. 
This one is a very early one, as you can tell. Getting used to my tablet. I thought the despair on the woman on the lefts face was evident. Thus the other male seems uncaring of what he has just said to the woman.
This one is my personal favourite, inspired by Stephen King's "The Gunslinger" I drew this to represent the lies that Roland told Jake, a Child he was meant to protect. This is how a lie looks to me.
This one is just of someone looking tentatively down, Not yet finished. Almost as if a mother were to peer over a cot where a child may lie. 
As it stands, I can now quiet enjoy what I'm doing for Cathy's sketch book and she seems to be accepting of how I'm working. I'm very happy and proud of myself for trying my hardest on this one, even though it's an area I struggle with.

11 Second Club - The Most Annoying Sound in the World.

Ok so, I had to go away for a week to get my head straight, and Missed a bit of time i could have been working on this. But since Arriving back have put my heart and soul into it. I've been in the studio every day this week trying to get this down. And have been proud with my results. 
My Idea, helpfully provided by Georg was to do a 'Blair Witch' style upward camera shot and my character panicing frantically about his whipped cream. This Idea has changed slightly.
Now I find myself wanting my character crouched benieth a table. Holding and touch and speaking to us about what he's done, Then I will cut away to a shot of the table with his silhouette benieth, (Behind a table cloth) with the cans of cream sprawled across the tabletop. This is an aim to get done next week along with the Lip Sync. 

Using the fantastic G_male rig and Georg's GUI has been a real test of my animation skills, it's a really nice rig, and has made me learn a lot more about both animating, rigging and Kinetics of the joints within' future rigs and what I like to use as an animator.

Anyway, Here to whet your whistles is a quick play blast. More to come in the days onward!

Experimental Animation

Admittedly me and Jake have pushed this project behind slightly due to placing more importance on the 11 second club, but we did get together some Masked made very skillfully (if I do say so myself) out of Paper Mache, (talk about play group antics) Our aim was to make a nightmare sequence. This is becoming realised in our own minds due to closing down of deadlines. But also, we've had lots of great ideas. So more to come on that front yet. I will keep you updated on our situation in the next couple of days.